Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Morning’s Musings

6:14 am..
Ain’t this the weirdest time to be sitting and pounding away at a keyboard??? Yeah… but then you must admit, the award for being the most normal person was never gonna be given to me anyways…lol.
So…it’s past six in the morning, and a lot of random thoughts are running through my rather large cranium…
Why is this my roomie here??? Recently, just the mere sight of him has begun to irritate me… I mean, it’s not like he’s done anything to ME in particular, it’s just that some of his habits are just so irritating… he chews with his mouth open, leaves the entire room in a mess ALWAYS!!! His own idea of cleanliness is a well made bed, clean clothes, well polished shoes, and he’s good to go. H e NEVER tries to clean up the room. I remember when I moved back in at the beginning of the semester… damn!!! The bathroom looked like King Leonidas’ 300 men had all had their baths in their…and the nigga didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with having his bath there… I was on my hands and knees (get your minds ouuta the gutters kids) scrubbing that place in like 5 minutes! And the buffoon had the nerve to then be telling me how he appreciated my coming back and doing stuff like that… “what the hell is wrong with you man”!!!! [ this is what I wanted to yell at him]. “Is this how you live at home???!!!” but I didn’t…. and you know, since that day, one of my other roomies [a more responsible kid who has home training] have cleaned that room so many times…this dude…zilch. And now, the kettle I should be using to boil water this morning, the BAKA (Japanese for idiot, fool, stupid person and a few other things) used it to cook noodles yesterday and didn’t wash it!!!
….people, I’m fed….
Anyways…before I make this all about my annoying roomie, he’s asking me if I wanna go running…and yes, I have been slacking off on the running I must admit… I mean, you guys should give this Panda a break!! I weigh roughly 100kg [give or take a few kg] so running 3500 meters every morning isn’t particularly easy for me. But on this fateful morning though, there’s no water in my hostel. There’s been no water in hostel since Friday. Something about an issue with the mains that needs fixing, so I’ve been fetching buckets of water from quite long distances… kai! N326,000 for school fees, and this is what we’ve been reduced to (check pictures that @lankydiru put on twitter)…so since I have to fetch water, I ain’t going running with him [yes, yes, excuses…bite me!]
Moving on…
She’s writing her last paper this morning… finally she’s free…good for me you know…we get to talk, I don’t have to bully her into reading and all of that…and I have a reason to come home from school this weekend…you know what I mean??
Speaking about me & her…lol…we’ve been getting a lot of silly people on twitter talking about how we’re a cute couple and all…you think we’re over doing it??? Ah well…that’s kinda your biz…lol…
And Twitter…yeah…Twitter’s become so much more interesting for me…a lot of my friends are on there…and there’s the Twiterave.
What’s the Twiterave about? I’m not quite sure yet, but from what I gather, Bold Ent is organizing this Twitter party…and there’s gonna be an awards show!!!! Highest number of tweets?? I think that goes to my girl @Miss_Ikaz easily… Perviest tweep… that’s my homie @ThePervNerd. Tweep with the best TT’s?? I’d give that to @PlaybackGenius [y’all remember the #WelcomeToNigeria trend?? He started that] Most popular Tweep… obviously @exschoolnerd…I don’t think celebrity tweeps can be nominated…that wouldn’t be fair…half the country already knows them…lol… #BeefTweet somebody? And I would nominate my girl @MissGIDI for good rookie, cos she’s not been on for what…two weeks??? And she’s already fully into the twitter rave!!!! Anyways, make sure [if you’re on twitter] you go vote at you can vote for me and her as best couple [yeah right]… by the way, if you’re not already following me, @CapoeiraPanda… I’ll try to follow you back once you lemme know k???
Anyways…have other stuff to do this morning…but I like this…maybe I’ll write again tomorrow morning. Who knows?? Till then… later kids!!!

1 comment:

  1. hey hey... your blog is really cool! I´m following now via twitter! Hope you´ll follow my blog, too:
