Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Abi?

Yes, it's Christmas. So fuck what?

Ok, that's probably not a good way to start. I mean, it's the day of the birth of the Baby Jesus. And if you actually believe that, then you have a serious problem. December 25th was not the day Jesus was born. In fact, I don't imagine that anyone alive knows exactly what date he was born. The 25th of December was simply picked by the Roman Catholic church to mark his birth.

Ok, so it's a day to "mark" the birth of Jesus. Fine then, let's move on.

Today's been quite irritating for me. Some would expect that I'd be all ecstatic cos it's the first Christmas in 10 years that my mom's gonna be around for Christmas, but honestly? Everyone, & by everyone I mean everyone, is irritating me. From my old man to my sis. They're all pissing me off. Honestly, all I would like right now, is to sit with a few friends, smoke some really good weed, have a few laughs, & be happy.

But maybe that's just me whining. I know that there's people that would kill to be me right now. So I'm definitely grateful for what I've been given. But I am also quite human. So forgive me if my attitude is shitty.

I stopped saying "Merry Christmas" a few years ago. At some point, I realized that saying that was just a bloody lie, cos honestly, ain't nothing merry bout these last few these days, I say "Christmas to you". You want anything more?? I can help you find a transformer to hug.

Anyways, dinner's in a couple of hours...hopefully, I'll be able to get some pot for my cousins & I to have a lil after dinner bake.

So, good reader, Christmas to you. Hope you got what you wanted for Christmas (I didn't get shit).

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